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Jawga Boyz

The Wise Man (Bonus Track)


The Wise Man (Bonus Track)

(album: Reloaded 1 - 2013)

It was a sunny day, pushing a hundred degrees
The windows rolled down I'm trying to feel the breeze
And rolling on I'm feeling good about life
And signing songs, feeling good about life
Until I hear a noise, and my right front's flat
So I punch the dash and now I'm thinking this is wack
So I see a country store just around that bend
I say great and I pulled in have it changed in 10
I'll be on my way, to continue my day
I might even grab a snack or something to drink what the hay
So I pull to the right, limp into the lot
Slinging dust everywhere so I'm getting kinda hot
Now I'm coughing up dirt as I slam the door
I see an old man sitting on the porch of the store
And his rocking chair, had probably seen better days
Matter fact the whole place had probably seen better days
I said "you own this joint" he replied with a yes
I say "you ever think about paving this mess"
Well he pushed up the brim of his cap just a hair
And he squinted his eyes as he started to stare
He took a sip of his Coke and he continued to eye
I was getting a little antsy waiting for his reply
He said "son you're a little cocky for your age
And there ain't really no call for your senseless rage"
Said "I reminded him of him long ago
A feisty young man had places to go"
I apologized but explained my frustration
As my flat had put me in this bad situation
"Look on the bright side" the man replied
"It's a beautiful day, with such a pretty blue sky"
I wasn't in the mood to hear his yapping
But he kept on, and his jaws kept flapping
He said

"It's time that you learn that things won't always go your way
You'll live the life you choose but at what cost will you pay
I lived life in the fast lane, back when I was young
Now I lay in the bed I made, so be a good man son"

The man kept on, making the small talk
He told me I was lucky to have a car at all
When into detail, 'bout when he was young
And how walking everywhere, wasn't really fun
And his daddy worked two jobs, they lived in a shed
And him and three siblings all shared a bed
And on and on one story to the next
I was kinda intrigued now though I confessed
This man had been sitting around for so long
Waiting on someone to just come along
To share his stories with 'bout love and life
He told me back in '96 he had lost his wife
They had planned to sell the store and retire with the money
Buy a boat and sail off to somewhere that was sunny
But the cancer took her soul took it far to quick
She passed after four months after falling sick
I saw tears in his eyes and I lost my pride
And we both sat there for hours and just cried
I saw this man's entire life, simply through his words
It was the most fascinating thing that I'd ever heard
There was stories of the depression, some of Vietnam
Even spoke of World War II when Truman dropped the bombs
He watched the news as it broke about Kennedy
He watched it on the couch crying with his daughter Emily
Talked about building the Berlin Wall
And how he felt in '89 when they watched it fall
He traveled the globe seen it through and through
I then realized really how little that I knew
And what was out there, and what I could learn
And how honesty is key, and how respect is earned
And how getting money hungry won't fill your needs
It'll tear you apart as it feeds your greed
Then he said

"It's time that you learn that things won't always go your way
You'll live the life you choose but at what cost will you pay
I lived life in the fast lane, back when I was young
Now I lay in the bed I made, so be a good man son"

Well the hours passed, but the man kept on
In about a half an hour I knew the sun would be gone
He said he donated time, to various charities
Fed the homeless on Thanksgiving with his son Jeremy
Who lives overseas he don't see him that much
He has a great granddaughter that he hasn't even touched
And she'll turn four at the first of November
Or maybe it was five, I really can't remember
Then the man claimed "your a good man son
Listening to an old timer like myself let his mouth run"
I said "oh no I've enjoyed talking to ya
I'm telling the truth I wouldn't try to fool ya"
And you made me realize exactly where I stand
And how I need to chill out, become a better man
You've done much with your life what about me
I'm all about myself won't do nothing for free
But now I understand there's a bigger picture
It ain't all about the money getting richer and richer
'Cause it's about the time you have a family and friends
And helping people out when you have a hand to lend"
I now realized that I had to be on my way
I have a family at home I have to tell 'em my day
So we changed the tire and shook hands for a time
And he thanked me, but the pleasure was all mine
He said "you know you're welcome around here anytime"
And I said "a return trip I wouldn't really mind"
How could I have know a day that started with strife
Could be the day that really ended up changing my life
So on the way home I had time to reflect
I knew it was about time to get my life in check
And if I start to veer off the right path again
I'll return to the store and have a talk with my friend
So I can hear

"It's time that you learn that things won't always go your way
You'll live the life you choose but at what cost will you pay
I lived life in the fast lane, back when I was young
Now I lay in the bed I made, so be a good man son"

I also heard about this wise old man
So I decided I would go and try to find him myself
But they said he passed away long ago
Turns out that his spirit still lives on
How many times did he help someone
Was he just a ghost or was he real
Now I can't explain just how I feel
I can never repay what he did
Teaching how this life was such a gift
Now I wonder if he will come back
Then I hear one story after another of how he
Has been helping people for years
He's been there, wiping away all of the tears
The more I look I keep on hearing about folks that he helped
Suicides were stopped, unborn babies were kept yeah
He never asked for a dime, just payed him a little bit of time
So he could ease your mind
He showed how nothing is ever worth being upset
Your life is too short for stress and regrets
And keep knowing there's a reason that you're here
Steer clear of road blocks and change gears
If you ever find yourself in a bad situation
Known to rise and wait for patience
So I wonder how long he's been gone
Or if he ever really existed at all
Was he an old man that used to live a life
Or is it a myth and then I see a bright light
And I hear

"It's time that you learn that things won't always go your way
You'll live the life you choose but at what cost will you pay
I lived life in the fast lane, back when I was young
Now I lay in the bed I made, so be a good man son"


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