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11 Styles Of Rapping (2021)


11 Styles Of Rapping (2021)

[The Style Jacker:]
Out in public, I just wanna buy some groceries
Don't wanna have to deal with strangers here approaching me
'Cause of of them might come to me and say some hurtful things
And I cannot control my rage when it comes on the scene
It be like hey, I'm here to play, what you say to me?
Don't you back away know, we've got some folks to meet
And it's that way, in the states, and even overseas
So if I'm seen, you should know that I have had (Oh)
Better days in the days when they knew me as Nate
But nowadays, I got way too much food on my plate
Get out my face, I can't take no more dudes in my way
It's such a shame that I hate fame, but that's the dues that I pay

[The Ad Rapper:]
Okay, I'mma give you just one guess to guess the game I'm rapping about
It's got over 600 champions, at least it did the last time I counted
PVPs and boss battles galore
A ton of different ways that you could play
And it'll never leave you wanting more
That's right, this game is Raid
Do you like elves? That's a dumb question
Everybody likes elves in their lives
'Cause I like elves and so does Raid, especially the dark kind
They're a group of evil assassins, kicking ass against guys like Deathknight
You can cry all you want, but everybody knows
That you're low in skill and all bark, no bite
You got an arrow in the front and an arrow in the back
How you get shot in both sides?
I would never use you in a battle, but you'd prolly still figure out how to die
But back to the topic at hand
The Dark Elves are slick in their design
And it doesn't matter which one you pick, 'cause you'll pick a sick one every time
Just take a look at Lydia the Deathsiren
One look at her and wave bye, then
Ghostborn gonna treat ya like a phone in a theater and make you silent
Queen Eva will defeat ya by depleting you energy, so back up, dog
Ryan the Conjurer will abolish you and Rae will pop in just to finish you off
And there's so much more to this game with Special Events taking place every day
With a bunch of new champions you can play with
They constantly got them on the way
And now the Guardian Ring is here with new ways that you can use your champs
And when December gets here, they plan to reveal the biggest and best feature yet
And if you scan this QR code or go down low and click that link
You'll get a ton of rewards in your inbox in the top right corner of you screen
I'm talking Chonoru for the Doom Tower
And a chunk of Silver two hundred thousand
A day of XP, an Energy Refill, and an Ancient Shard to summon awesome...

...champions to play with as soon as you play the game
Download Raid for free, dog!

[Heartbroken Country Rapper:]
I know I should prolly move on
Should prolly stop talking 'bout you
I prolly shouldn't have did you wrong
Should prolly find somebody new
I'll see you inside of their eyes
But somebody new isn't you
And that is just something that I cannot bring myself to do
I know I messed it up by being myself again
But this ain't how our story is supposed to end
So, baby, come home, I miss you so
Let me love you all night long
Baby, just stay, and don't walk away
I can't live without your love
So, baby, come home

Dear Dad, I haven't been the same since the day that you left
I checked into therapy hoping they could say what's best
I got an appointment today, I hope they get me straight
'Cause I got so much weight on my shoulders from events of that day
I walk into the office of this brown-haired man
He tells me to sit down, he wants to try to understand
Why this sadness had taken my life over, so I began
To tell him about the night that you died inside my hands
It was late at night and the fall air was nice and brisk
I was out riding around the town with a group of my friends
And then I got text from you asking me where I was
But I ignored it and kept on riding around just having fun
2 AM creeps up as I'm pulling into the driveway
All the lights are on in the house and then I thought, "Ah, great
I'm in trouble, might as well just face it and hope you're not mad"
Though I wouldn't blame you for disobeying you, Dad
As I go to open the front door, I stop and notice
The lock that normally keeps it closed was shattered and broken
So I got step inside the house to see you lying on the floor
Blood is pouring out your mouth, you've been stabbed a dozen times, maybe more
I rush to your side and I hold your head up with my hands
You looked me in the eye and tried to tell me something, but you can't
And right then and there, you took your very last breath
If only I'd taken the time to respond to your text
I would've known that you were hearing noises outside of your home
And were just asking me if it was me out there playing a joke, but little did we know
A couple of robbers were ready to break in
They kicked the front door open and started stealing everything
And that's where's the story's a blank, they even took your gold watch
The one you got for Christmas with your initials on top
They snatched it from your dead hands 'cause you always wore that watch to sleep
I know 'cause you told me how much it meant 'cause it as a gift from me
And the worst part is, they never caught the men that did it
My father's lying in the ground while they're just lying out there living
Ding-ding-ding, the alarm rings, I guess that's all for today
The therapist says that I should probably take a break
He rolls the sleeve back to see the time that he should write
But this is my last visit and it's his last day of life
I grab a letter opener from the top of his desk
And jab it as far as I could deep inside of his neck
And look him in the eyes as I roll back his sleeve
And see your watch on his wrist, the initial so clean
And now he's gasping for air and apologizes, so sad
I told him, "Nah, you can go apologize to my dad"

2 AM at your backdoor with a sharp machete
Ready to carve you into pieces, make you look like spaghetti
And then I'll eat it up and feed it to your children while they scream a bunch
"Please, Mister, don't make me eat this, I just wanna leave"
Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Jason, all of them are bitches
When compared to me 'cause I will torture you with sick incisions
I'll chop you up and sew you back together
Just so the scars can remind you of this murderer that's awful clever
I'll inject you with some staff infection
So your body rots from inside-out and I can laugh from the vomit ejection
I promise I'm not the one to mess with
Prolly should start the disinfection
Death of torture? Pick the better of two evils, kinda like every election

[Poor Beat Selector:]
I'm the best fucking rapper in the game right now
Don't nobody else compare to what's in my brain right now
Lyrical bullets be flying, I promise you're dying, so stay, lie down
And this beat is fire, I'mma let it play right now
I said this beat is fucking fire, bruh, call the fire house
I said this beat is fucking fire, bruh, call the fire house

Everybody knows I'm the loose leaf GOAT though
All I do is win like I'm Yugi Moto
Annihilate the competition, they call me the Dark Magician
Making careers disappear like a Pegasus photo
Oh no, don't be lying, bruh
You'd only beat me if I let you like you Seto Kaiba
You can summon any monster to try to protect your hull
But forget the monsters, I'm coming for the Summoner's skull

[Political (Republican & Liberal):]
I was in the kitchen, cooking up dinner, trying to listen
The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is on the television
The jury's in deliberation, will he get a sentence
Or will he walk away free because he was self-defensive?
You're stupid as can be, a typical right-wing
Kyle never should've been there or even close to the scene
He drove across the state line, such a young, dumb teen
A white supremacist, looking for other that were on his team
Drove across state lines? It's a twenty-mile drive
I bet you've driven further just to get a burger and fries
A white supremacist? You're really just trying to pick a fight
'Cause every single person that he shot that night was white
He brought a gun to a Black Lives Matter protest
Case and point, no more need to explain
You can't bring a lethal weapon and point and everyone's neck
And pretend that you're there to keep the businesses safe
And it's a law we all know, or at least it oughta be
You cannot kill someone to defend your property
But you Republicans don't ever seem to learn
Picture what it would've been like if the tables were turned
I don't have to
More than half of the crowd was just black dudes
Shooting guns and burning cars 'cause they were in a bad mood
Your vision of right and wrong is mad skewed
Y'all don't stand for nothing, no wonder you love tearing down statues

High up on this mountain top where I can see it all
The world up here through a bird's eye view can make you feel so small
One step at a time towards the edge so that I can leap into the fog
But once I jumped, I realized that I did not want to fall
But when you're on the way down, no one's there to make a sound
It's kinda peaceful, I guess
But by the time you hit the ground and your body has been found
Half of 'em won't remember you're dead
That's the type of world we live in
We're desensitized to killing
Grief is shorter than it's ever been
So every time that Death visits to cash in that life sentence
You can bank that visit gon' be quick
'Cause as fast as it comes, that's as fast as it goes
You might read about it on somebody's Instagram post
You might get a phone call if you're lucky at all
But odds are is the internet is who told
Death used to make eyes flood with tears
And break hearts and bring you down to your knees
But now all it does is flood the Facebook feed
With #RIPs for just a week
High up on this mountain top where I can see it all
The world up here through a bird's eye view can make you feel so small
One step at a time towards the edge so that I can leap into the fog
But once I jumped, I realized that I did not want to fall

[Acapella Crypt:]
High up on this mountain top where I can see it all
The world up here through a bird's eye view can make you feel so small
One step at a time towards the edge so that I can leap into the fog
But once I jumped, I realized that I did not want to fall


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