(专辑: Throw Down Your Arms - 2005)
Until the
philosophy, Which holds one race superior And another inferior, Is finally and permanently Discredited and abandoned, Everywhere is war. Until there is no longer first class Or second class citizens of any nation. Until the
color of a
man's skin, Is of no more significance than The
color of his eyes, I've got to say "war". That until the
basic human rights, Are equally guaranteed to all, Without regard to race, I'll say "war" Until that day the
dream of lasting peace, World-citizenship and the
rule of International morality will remain Just a
fleeting illusion to be pursued, But never obtained. And everywhere is war. Until the
ignoble and unhappy regime Which holds all of us through, Child-abuse, yeah, child-abuse yeah, Sub-human bondage has been toppled, Utterly destroyed, Everywhere is war. War in the
east, War in the
west, War up north, War down south, There is war, And the
rumors of war. Until that day, There is no continent, Which will know peace. Children, children. Fight! We find it necessary. We know we will win. We have confidence in the
victory Of good over evil Fight the
real enemy!