Poor Wee Jockey Clarke
Oh, poor wee Jockey Clarke He sells the
News and Star He whistles and he sings As he paddles through the
glaur Of all newspaper sellers He's the
best of all the
lot If he'd only make a
jacket Out his father's old coat Well, Jockey's father took a
dram As you may understand He was a
tyrant to his wife And a
plague unto the
land And oft times by the
neighbours He was called a
drunken sot For his little bitter bairnies Are neglected and forgot Yes, says Jockey to his mother "Lod, woman, I
do think shame You'd think I'd ne'er a
father Nor a
mother or a
hame My clothes they are so ragged Not a
hale stitch have I
got Would you try and make a
jacket Of my father's old coat?" Oh, the
jacket it was made And it was uncommon braw It was a
grand protection Against the
rain and snow The
pouches in particular Oh, Jockey's mind did please They would hold a
stane of tatties With the
greatest of ease Oh, says Jockey to his mother "Lod, woman, I
do think shame You'd think I'd both a
father And a
mother and a
hame My clothes they are so neatly Not a
ragged stitch I've got Since you've made me up the
jacket Of my father's old coat"