denver luna
strawberry Jam Girl Hoo hoo Hoo hoo Sleeping girl Kiss the
animal Telephone the
animal Tomorrow the
animal will take me to the
moon Moon in the
water Water in the
waiting room Satellite is coming with a
Handgun and the
tube hole tube snake Playgirl with a
loophole a
wire hole Kiss the
animal the
chains the
weeds the
train in the
seeds and the
Blue and the
Blue and the
Blue and the
Red and Silver Siren siren the
horn the
velveteen is coming The
stonewash jean man crack Fractures cream machines he's dancing with his ears on pierced he's coming coming Hissing hissing piston is Spreading his own, own, own ideas is Coming is a
claw is an animal a
Pizza sermon a
shining gunshot She, she said Silent, Silent beautiful shot another shot an an an an an shot an a
laugh at me And don't you laugh at me, laugh at me in the
morning I'm an animal a
horn Horn but hit the
siren Sleepinggirlsirensiren Kiss the
animal the
animal is on The
telephone, the
telephone call me tomorrow When the
moon, the
moon will Burst out of the
water, the
water, water in the
waiting room The
satellite, the
satellite is coming with a
handgun Down in the
tube hole the
tube snake's coming Soon, soon, soon the
playgirl running with a
loophole, loophole Wire in the
hole chains and weeds and trains and Blue, Blue, Blue and Red and Blue and Red and Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver siren, siren Velveteen the
stone wash man in his Fly jeans... Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo An' sleeping girl kiss, kiss the
animal The
animal is coming telephone tomorrow The
moon, the
moon, the
moon is in water in the
waiting room The
satellite is crossing the
sky clicking, clicking In his ears Blanking the
world out, He's pierced are hissing Hissing piston is coming spreading a
claw, claw Claw don't forget the
law Gun gun gun shot she said Keep it silent, silent beautiful in your head shot, shot laughing A
horn, a
horn, a
horn hit the
siren Come man the
phone it's sunny, sunny, sunny in the
morning You can cry some other time we are runnin,' we are running, we are running A
sleeping girl kiss, kiss the
animal Telephone To, to, to tomorrow You and me under a
full moon Down in the
water, water in the
waiting room The
satellite, satellite with his handgun down in the
tube hole the
tubes snake's coming Pushing the
air like a
piston in the
hole The
playgirl the
loophole wire down in the
hole chains and weeds and Trains and Blue, and Blue, and Blue, and Blue, and Blue The
Straawberry Jam girl! Sees Micky Mouse in the
window! I
get up I
look And it's only my reflection, flection, flection, flection inflection, connection Look at my t-shirt, see Micky's face in the
window The
glass the
two of us listening to the
soft tones I'm talking reaching out to your telephone are you listenin'? Can you hear? Do you hear? Show me how it feels when we're We're no longer alone so why don't you let go we're no longer alone So why don't you let go? Kiss the
animal the
telephone tomorrow Moon, moon in water down in the
waiting room Satellite is crossing the
starry sky with a
handgun Down in the
tube hole the
tube snake playgirl loop hole wire Hole hole, chains, hole, hole chains Hole, hole chains weeds and trains, weeds and trains and Blue Blue and blue blue red and silver, silver, silver Silver siren horn Velveteen stone washed man in jeans Cracks fractures cream Machines playing tunes block out the
life, block out the
light Wrapped around him pierced hissing piston in the
tube hole spreading Claw of the
animal Eating pizza Gunshot she said A
silent beautiful in your head I'm laughing, laughing, laughing Horn don't put me down Hit the
siren blue, and blue, and blue, and blue and red Silver, sliver, silver in your head Siren, siren, siren velveteen Watch the
man in the
stone wash jeans