1-800 Love Line (Skit)
(专辑: Off The Grid - 2017)
A.M [?] Special moments (special moments, special moments, special moments) Just watch my soul glo and see it shine true Just watch my soul glo, baby Feeling oh so sexy cool (oh yeah) Just watch my soul glo, baby Eso Yeah I'm feeling sexy [?:] Eso: Ladies and gentlemen, you've reached the
1-800 Love Line Gary: Oh, just feeling a
bit lonely at home, you know? Eso: No need to feel lonely Gary, Soul Glo is going to sweep you off your feet and pour a
bag of sugar on your nuts Gary: Oho, that sounds pretty good Eso: It's better than great Gary, it's Soul Glo. And for all you lovers out there, we got a
special song coming your way Just watch my soul glo, baby (oh yeah) Just watch my soul glo Cause me and the
boys are gonna have a
boogie Now, where's my dancing socks