1st Woman On The Moon
(专辑: Parallel Universe (Disc 2 - Mixture) - 2002)
Nothing [R] Nothing moving Nothing moving At first there's only nothing Shadows echoes dream of being in a
procession [L] A
procession [R] Woman helpless slowly hatching, only moved yeah (1:38) [L] Woman helpless slowly watching, hardly moving [R] Longing for... [L] Quit longing... Longing for a
chance at a
sweet life [R] ...the sweet life [L] ...for a
chance Feelings changing shifting weather [L] For a
chance, rusted weather Quiet mornings something swimming through the
mornings The
sunlight filtered through the
water in the
rock pools Human creature worn this shadow [R] Human creature worn this shadow [L] Sunlight filtered through the
water in the
rock pools Fragmented figment [L] Needs to sleep, living, rising, to the
surface [R] Need for shelter, need for fire [L] Human creature worn this shadow, fragmented figment, need for shelter [R] Need for shelter, need for fire, pulling on her cardboard body Need for shelter, need for fire Pulling on, calls her body [R] Wasting nothing in the
morning Astral mirror, touching, tasting, wasting nothing [L] Wasting nothing in that morning Remember living in the
valley Something angry, something hurts me Remember blood-dripped clouds at sunset As the
night crept like a
panther [R] Desert blazing, ego conquering, palace gardens, woman singing Desert blazing, ego conquering, palace gardens, women singing [R] Singing to me, singing softly, about nothing Singing... of nothing [R] Waiting for us, waiting for us, only nothing [L] Waiting for us Came before us, all around us, waiting for us Waiting for us Waiting for us, only noth... only nothing