Dear Penis
Dear penis, I
don't think I
like you anymore, You used to watch me shave, Now all ya do is stare at the
floor, Oh dear penis, I
don't like you anymore. It used to be you and me, A
paper towel and a
dirty magazine, That's all we needed to get by, Now it seems things have changed, And I
think that you're the
one to blame, Dear penis, I
don't like you anymore. He sings Dear Rodney, I
don't think I
like you anymore, Cos when you get to drinking, You put me places I've never been before, Dear Rodney, I
don't like you anymore. Why cant we just get a
grip, On our man to hand relationship, Come to terms with truly how we feel, If we put our heads together, We'd just stay home forever, Dear penis, I
think I
like you after all. Oh and Rodney, While you're shaving, shave my balls.