Galoot Up-Date
(专辑: Thing-Fish - 1984)
[Ensemble:] GALOOT CO-LOG-NUH! [Thing-Fish:] GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, De KILLER CO-LOG-NUH! [Ensemble:] GALOOT CO-LOG-NUH! [Thing-Fish:] GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, GALOOT, De KILLER CO-LOG-NUH, Thass right! De KILLER CO-LOG-NUH, Thass right! Well, de gubnint dint fine out rights away 'bout . . .
[Ensemble:] De 'MAMMY NUNS' [Thing-Fish:] Dat's right! [Ensemble:] De 'MAMMY NUNS' [Thing-Fish:] Well, dey's too damn excited 'bout de sissies dey was knocking off, 'n working up an uncreedable variety of theoretical scenarios, to explain away how come de fagnits all be croaking at de same time in [Ensemble:] NOVEMBER! [Thing-Fish:] De month o' NOVEMBUH, reeking of tainted CO-LOG-NUM! Dey booked in de heavy pseudo re-LIJ-mus talent to pronunciate de doc-TRINE of BIBLICAL RETRIBUTIUM! [Ensemble:] Moving the
project forward! [Thing-Fish:] Figging dat to be . . .
[Ensemble:] Da-da-dee-dahh! [Thing-Fish:] A
sho-fi' explumation, suitable fo' Domestical . . .
[Ensemble:] Assuagement! [Thing-Fish:] Natchilly, a
substantial number o' severely ignint white folks went fo' it, hook, line, 'n shrinker! By dat time, de 'MAMMY NUNS' had already sprouted dem 'tato heads, 'n was in de process of growing out dey nakkins . . .
Also, by a
peculiar corinsidence, we's all up fo' PAROLE at de SAME TIME! Thass right! You figgit out! Once we's out DE JOINT, we faced a
hard time in de depressium . . .
couldn't get no 'sembly line woik, 'n since de nakkins we's wearing atch'ly be GROWIN' outs our bodies, we was labelled as 'over-qualified' fo' janitorical deployment! Onliest good thang 'bout being a
'MAMMY NUN' is we be mo-less UN-destructable! Whatever dey done whiffed up befo' don't do SHIT to us now! Fact, we jes mights be de onliest thangs left walking in de U.S.A., now de MYS'TRY RE-ZEASE gone outa control! [Ensemble:] Just like you! [Thing-Fish:] Just like you! I
see some of y'all be FROWNIN' . . .
'cause mebbe y'think what I's telling ya' is a
LIE! How 'bout it, folks? Whatcha say? Id dat right? [Ensemble:] Yes, it sho' is! [Thing-Fish:] Well, les' jes' have a
test . . .
how many o' you nice folks think I
knows what I's talking 'bout? RAISE Y'HAIN UP! Uh-huh! An' how many thinks my potato been baking too long? RAISE YO MIZZABLE HAIN UP! Uh-huh! Now . . .
how many you folks is CONVINCED de gubnint be totally 'UNCONCERNED' wit de proliferatium o' UNDESIRABLE TENANTS in de CONDOMINIUM o' LIFE? An' how many folks believe THEY number won't come up, next time de breeze blow fum de Easterly directium? Les' face it, peoples! Ugly as I
mights be, I
AM YO' FUTCHUM! 'Les y'all prefer 'permanent storage' or a
condo in ATLANTIS. [Ensemble:] They could really get down there! [Thing-Fish:] Dey could really GET DOWN dere, but, I's de only protexium you got! Now, during de intromissium, de SISTERS be selling some MASH POTATOES in de lobby, right over by de [Ensemble:] PYRAMID! [Thing-Fish:] In de vicinity o' de . . .
[Ensemble:] SQUID DECOR! [Thing-Fish:] 'Neath de planet o' de big ol' giant . . .
[Ensemble:] Underwater door! [Thing-Fish:] A
generous good-will offering are REQUIRED . . .
jes' let yo' conscience be yo' guide . . .
[Ensemble:] BLUE LIGHT! [Thing-Fish:] Jes' follow de BLUE LIGHT, down de aisle to de potatoes during de intromissium . . .
[Ensemble:] Light, light, light, light . . .
BLUE Light, light, light, light . . .
An' while y'all be thinking about de blue light, an' y'all be deciding whether or not yo' immunity gwine hold up 'til de end o' de show, I's 'bout to address myseff to de re-educatement o' dem silly muthafuckers over deahhh. [Ensemble:] You can't even speak your own fucking language! [Thing-Fish:] What on urf do you mean: 'MY LANGUAGE'? I
got yo language hanging, boy, 'long wif a
two-week supply of IGNINT McNUGGET, de breakfast o' champiums! [Ensemble:] Don't let your meat loaf! Huh-huh-huh! [Thing-Fish:] Huh? Kiss my McNUGGET! [Ensemble:] Your micro-nanette! [Thing-Fish:] Y'all kin kiss my micro-nanette too! [Ensemble:] BLUE . . .
[Thing-Fish:] Don't forget de GALOOT! [Ensemble:] CO-LOG-NUHHHHHH! [Thing-Fish:] GALOOT COLOGNUM!