Dream Of Me
If sleep's the
cousin of death Relieve me of all of my stress I've been waiting for you to put me to rest Two for joy, one for sorrow She said "I loved you yesterday, but I
can't love you tomorrow" The
gentle hands of time tie your hands to mine Once love is canonised, the
spark you once had dies You've been waiting, to wake from the
neverend Two for joy, one for sorrow She said "I loved you yesterday, but I
can't love you tomorrow" Too little, too late is all that I
will ever be When you sleep forever, dream of me When all is said and done We ache in unison Your absence bittersweet It lingers, always Me and you were joy I
am sorrow She said "I loved you yesterday, but I
can't love you tomorrow" Too little, too late is all that I
will ever be When you sleep forever, dream of me