Nad vechernim Dunayem raznositsya. Belyy tsvet, Belyy tsvet, Belyy tsvet. I
na pamyat' melodiya prositsya Proshlykh let, Proshlykh let, Proshlykh let. No rastayali ptich'imi stayami, Nashey pesni prosti ne slova. Ty ukhodish v
ogon, Yugoslaviya, Bez menya, Bez menya, Bez menya. [Danube is spread over the
evening. White, White, White. And the
memory of the
melody asks The
past, The
past, The
past. But melted bird flocks, Our songs are not the
words. You're going to the
fire, Yugoslavia, Without me, Without me, Without me.] Za noch', Pod svintsovym. Gradom Za to Chto menya net ryadom. Ty prosti Sestra moya, Yugoslaviya. Za smert' Pod dozhdem vesennim Za to Chto ne stal spaseniyem. Ty prosti Sestra moya, Yugoslaviya. [During the
night, Under the
leaden. Hail For the
fact the
I'm not around. Forgive me My sister, Yugoslavia. For the
Death of the
rain For the
Spring that did not escape. Forgive me My sister, Yugoslavia.] Chernoglazoy devchonkoy, rasteryannoy Ty stoish' Na drugom Beregu. No dobrat'sya do etogo berega. Ne mogu, Ne mogu, Ne mogu. Nad vechernim Dunayem raznositsya. Belyy tsvet, Belyy tsvet, Belyy tsvet. I
ne pamyat' melodiya prositsya Proshlykh let, Proshlykh let, Proshlykh let. [Black-eyed girl, confused You stand On the
other Side. But to get to this beach. I
can not, I
can not, I
can not. Danube is spread over the
evening. White, White, White. And the
memory of the
melody asks The
past, The
past, The
past.] Za noch', Pod svintsovym. Gradom Za to Chto menya net ryadom. Ty prosti Sestra moya, Yugoslaviya. Za smert' Pod dozhdem vesennim Za to Chto ne stal spaseniyem. Ty prosti Sestra moya, Yugoslaviya. [During the
night, Under the
leaden. Hail For the
fact the
I'm not around. Forgive me My sister, Yugoslavia. For the
Death of the
rain For the
Spring that did not escape. Forgive me My sister, Yugoslavia.]