Bibby Speaks
(专辑: Free Crack III - 2015)
What does Free Crack III mean to me? Free Crack III means everything to me It's everything that I
went through this past year Mixed with everything that I've learned throughout my life I
put time, feelin's, into this project And you can hear it in the
music Listening to FCIII, you can hear when I'm happy You can hear when I'm mad, you can hear when I'm depressed With me and my career, it's been a
process I've grown and I've learned things I'm so proud of myself for that too Because with music, I
take care of family I
get to help friends, I
get to expose them to new things To help open up they minds Plus I
got a
nephew, I
get to show him a
better life And I
want people to know that it's not easy I
come from hustling on street corners, getting into shootouts And living with my mother without a
care in the
world We had section 8
food stamps So the
only thing I
had to worry about was getting fresh, you know? So, I
hustled and I
had to worry about not getting killed Because there was back and forth shootin's every day and stuff And now I
have like every responsibility in the
world And it's not easy I'm working on myself every day And I
just hope that you guys can appreciate the
music And have as much fun listening to it as I
had making it