This Is A Test
Ladies and gentleman We are experiencing technical difficulties Warning: This is a
total blackout Please stand by as we are currently testing our systems Testing lighting equipment: LED screens Testing blinders Testing lasers Testing 3D video Testing pyro-technics. Stand by Ok We are about to do a
full-frequency sweep Twenty hertz Fifty hertz Two hundred hertz Four hundred fourty hertz One kilohertz Two kilohertz Five kilohertz Ten kilohertz Ok Subwoofer kick test Balance check: Left channel The
sound should now be at the
left speaker Right channel The
sound should now be at the
right speaker Left channel Right channel Left channel Right channel Left channel Right channel Left channel Right channel Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right Left, right This is a
test This is a
test This is a
test Before proceeding with the
show we'll have to do one more test: Testing at maximum volume Starting in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one This is a
test This is a