Burn Me Down
(专辑: If You Don't Like The Story Write Your Own - 2022)
We had a
fire and you let it go out If you planned on leaving, you should've burned me down I
was whole, but I've been falling to pieces Wondering why you had to leave me (Yeah) Been looking for peace in the
pieces you left me in You lied when you said you would love me forever, then ruin what you and I
had Would never go back to you and I
being just friends again I
don't know what else you wanted I
gave you my all 'til my all got exhausted I
lay here alone in this bed And I
look at this room and can't help but to feel like it's haunted By you, what do I
do When everything in here reminds me of you? Everything smells like your favorite perfume And the
truth is you've never been good with the
truth Isn't that true? I
miss what we had Now you're just someone I
knew in the
past I
see myself in the
way that you act I
hear myself in the
way that you laugh You can't deny that, I
made a
mistake That's what you said when you called me that day You're hanging with people I
know that you hate And even your friends have been saying you changed Bumped into your sister, she said you been lost Been filling the
void with a
couple of shots Forgive what you did but it can't be forgot We even talked about tying a
knot and now We both act like we don't exist But deep down we know, it shouldn't end like this And time will pass while we both resist But deep down we know, it shouldn't end like, end like this Deep down we know, it shouldn't end like this And time will pass while we both resist But deep down we know, it shouldn't end like (Yeah), end like this You're not the
first person to make me feel like I
was homeless, see, you were the
hardest to leave You said that loving me felt like a
chore, but I
know that there's somebody praying we'd meet Of course you don't see all the
blessings in front of your face when your eyes are always on your feed I
hate to think you and I
fell apart, so instead, I
reframe it as "mission complete" Go find what you need, couldn't find it in me, maybe I
should say "thank you" for setting me free Now there's this gap on your page where our pictures would be before you felt the
need to delete every moment I
see, you just want me erased I'm not just someone you were with for a
day Nah, I
was someone that went to the
ends of the
Earth just to make sure that you were okay Now nothin's the
same, the
same as it was You shook my faith about falling in love It sucks to know that on the
list of the
things in your life, there was nothing you put me above Damn, not even one, so this is goodbye Hope you find the
love you were hoping to find Think maybe the
only real version of you that I
knew is the
one I
made up in my mind, now We both act like we don't exist But deep down we know, it shouldn't end like this And time will pass while we both resist Deep down we know, it shouldn't end like (End like) It shouldn't end like this And time will pass while we both resist Deep down we know, it shouldn't end like (End, end) Deep down we know, it shouldn't end like (End like)