A Love Letter
(专辑: The Echo - 2012)
Dear old tree in my front yard Thank you for your shade Your leaves are speckled with streaming rays of sun And I
love the
rustling noise they make The
swing on your branch Is my favorite spot And I'm sorry for the
steps we nailed Into your bark I'll love you forever Yes, I'll love you still I'll love you more than any man Oh, I
promise that I
will Dear old chickens that wander through my yard Thank you for the
eggs that you have laid Oh their blue/green shells are speckled with dirt But I
love the
cracking sound they make While chasing you is something I
admit I've done a
lot I
could never steam or fry you Or put you in a
pot Yes, I'll love you forever Yes, I'll love you still Oh, I'll love you more than any man Oh, I
promise that I
will Dear old house that I
grew up in I
miss you when I'm gone The
dog hair on my sofa And the
light through my window at dawn While I
know at times it seems that I
am Far away I'll be home for thanksgiving And on christmas day Yes, I'll love you forever Yes, I'll love you still Oh, I'll love you more than any man Oh, forever I